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Simple Ways to Boost Your Health

Staying healthy and active is simple - just move. However, it is easier said than done. Some of us tend to over complicate what it takes to be “fit and healthy,” thinking they have to dedicate one full hour daily to hard-core cardio or strength sessions; or they have to feel like they are running a marathon by the end of their sweat session, but really, keeping your health in check and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is so much more than that, and so much simpler, too.

To maintain a healthy heart, you don’t have to be a gym rat or run marathons every weekend. It's about incorporating movement into your everyday life in ways that are fun, practical and sustainable.

Here are some simple, and great ways you can keep moving throughout your day. You might be surprised at how many opportunities you have to stay active without even realizing it!

Walk it Out

I know we have said this over and over again. Walking is good for you. And plain and simple, it is low impact meaning it is one of the safest exercises for almost everyone. It's simple, it's free, and it's something most of us can do without even thinking about it. But here's the kicker: walking is a seriously underrated form of exercise.

Try taking a brisk 30-minute walk during your lunch break or after dinner. Not only will you burn some calories, but you'll also clear your mind and maybe even discover some new spots in your neighborhood. If having a friend by your side helps you to stay motivated, then invite a friend or family member along. Walking and talking – it's multitasking at its finest!

Pro tip: Get yourself a step counter or use your phone to track your steps. Aim for 10,000 steps or more a day and watch how quickly those numbers add up.

Stir Up Some Fitness in the Kitchen

Who says you can't get a workout while whipping up a delicious meal? Cooking involves a lot more movement than you might think, and when you are cooking you are moving and burning calories. Chopping veggies, kneading dough, stirring a pot – it all adds up!

Next time you're in the kitchen, try doing some calf raises while waiting for water to boil, or squeeze in a few counter push-ups while your sauce is simmering. And let's not forget the post-cooking cleanup – scrubbing those pots and pans can be a real arm workout.

Sweep Away the Calories

Okay, I know cleaning isn't exactly everyone's idea of a good time. But it is a great way to stay active and get your house sparkling clean at the same time. When we ask clients if they were able to squeeze in exercise while they were away from their trainer, they sometimes say, “No, but I did clean the house this weekend!” What do we say? That’s great! It counts and it is better than nothing. 

Put on your favorite upbeat playlist and get to work. Vacuum vigorously, and do some lunges while you're mopping the floor. Before you know it, you'll have worked up a sweat and your house will be spotless.

Make Fitness Fun for Everyone

Getting the whole family involved in staying active is a great way to bond and set healthy habits for the kids. When they see you do it, they want to do it, too. It sets a great example for your family. Families that workout together, stay strong together. 

When was the last time you had a fund dance party? Try having a dance party in the living room, playing tag in the backyard or going for a family bike ride. If you've got a Nintendo Switch, games like Just Dance or Ring Fit Adventure are fantastic for getting everyone moving. 

Best Ways to Stay Active at Work

For many of us, work means sitting at a desk for hours on end. But that doesn't mean you can't sneak in some activity throughout the day.

Here are some ideas:

  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator

  • Do some desk stretches every hour

  • Use a standing desk or treadmill desk if possible

  • Have walking meetings instead of sitting in a conference room

  • Do some squats or lunges while waiting for the copier

  • Alternate between an exercise ball as your chair to a supportive desk chair.

Remember, every little bit of movement counts.

Staying Consistent and Active at the Gym

While it's not the only way to stay active, it is a great option for many people and having a trainer is a plus to help keep you accountable, motivate you and ensure you are performing exercises safely and effectively. The key is consistency and finding ways to make it enjoyable. Here are some tips to help you stay on track with your gym routine:

Set realistic goals: Start small and gradually increase your workout intensity and duration. This prevents burnout and keeps you motivated.

Find a workout buddy: Having a gym partner can make workouts more fun and hold you accountable.

Mix it up: Try different classes or equipment to keep things interesting. Variety is the spice of life – and fitness!

Schedule your workouts: This one is big and can prevent you from losing motivation. Treat gym time like any other important appointment. Put it in your calendar and stick to it.

Prep the night before: Lay out your gym clothes and pack your bag. It makes it harder to skip when you're all ready to go.

Track your progress: Keep a workout journal or use a fitness app to see how far you've come. It's a great motivator!

Reward yourself: Set non-food rewards for hitting your gym goals, like a new workout outfit or a relaxing massage.

Don't beat yourself up: If you miss a day, it's okay! Just get back on track the next day. Consistency over time is what matters.

Remember, the gym should be a place you enjoy, not a place you dread. Find workouts you love, and you'll be more likely to stick with them long-term.

More Ways to Stay Active

The possibilities for staying active are endless! Here are a few more ideas to get you moving:

  • Gardening: Digging, planting, and weeding are great for your muscles and joints

  • Playing with pets: Your furry friends need exercise too!

  • Taking up a hobby: Try dancing, martial arts, or rock climbing

  • Volunteering: Many volunteer activities involve physical work, like building houses or cleaning up parks

The key is to find activities you enjoy. When you're having fun, you won't even realize you're exercising! Staying active doesn't have to be a chore. It's all about finding ways to incorporate movement into your daily routine. Whether you're walking, cooking, cleaning, playing with your family, hitting the gym, or finding creative ways to move at work, every bit of activity counts towards a healthier, happier you.

Remember, the best exercise is the one you'll actually do. So find what works for you, have fun with it, and keep moving – you might just discover a new passion along the way.


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