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Real Talk: The Most Common Fitness Obstacles

You are not alone - the journey to a healthier, stronger you isn't easy. We've all been there, staring at that treadmill like it's our arch-nemesis or struggling to choose the healthy route while you’re out having a good time with your friends. The good news is, those struggles are part of the process. Some days are just plain hard, but the end goal is to create that healthy lifestyle and get control of it so you can allow yourself to let loose while staying on track all at once.


Here are the most fitness hurdles and how you can knock them to the ground: 

"I Don't Have Time" 

"I'm too busy to work out." Sound familiar? It is a lot easier to make time for Netflix binges and scrolling through social media, so it’s about finding ways to use that time wisely. Here's how to find those hidden pockets of time:

  • Embrace the power of the mini-workout: 10-minute bursts throughout the day add up! Every little bit really does count. 

  • Turn your commute into a sweat session: Bike to work or get off the bus a stop early.

  • Make it a date: Schedule your workouts like important meetings. Your health is a priority, too. 

  • Multitask, multitask: Do squats while brushing your teeth or calf raises while waiting for your coffee.

Remember, consistency beats intensity. A 20-minute workout you actually do is infinitely better than a two-hour gym session that never happens.

You Motivation is Gone

Yes, the couch may look more appealing than the squat rack, especially after a long day at work.  Here's how to kick motivation's butt:

  • Set small, achievable goals: "I'll do 10 push-ups today," is less daunting than, "I'll get ripped abs in a month."

  • Find your “why”: Dig deep and connect with your reasons for getting fit. Health? Confidence? Being able to keep up with your kids? Lift your suitcase over your head on your way to Cobo? Whatever it is, it is

  • Buddy up: Everything's more fun with a friend. Plus, you're less likely to bail when someone's counting on you.

  • Reward yourself: Treat yourself to something special (non-food related) after hitting a milestone. New workout gear, anyone?

Motivation is fleeting, but discipline is your secret weapon.

Plateau: When Your Progress Goes to a Stop 

Hitting a plateau is like being stuck in fitness traffic. Frustrating, right? Here's how to get things moving again:

  • Shake up your routine: Your body is smart and adapts quickly. Surprise it with new exercises or workout styles.

  • Progressive overload is your friend: Gradually increase weight, reps, or time to keep challenging yourself.

  • Don't forget about nutrition: Sometimes, the key to breaking through is on your plate, not in the gym.

  • Rest and recover: Overtraining can stall progress. Give your body the downtime it needs to grow stronger.

Remember, plateaus are just your body's way of saying, "Challenge accepted!"

Instagram vs. Reality

In the age of social media, it's easy to feel like you aren't doing it right or you need to be and look better. Let's break free from the comparison trap:

  • Unfollow accounts that make you feel bad: Your feed should inspire, not deflate.

  • Focus on your own progress: That person's Chapter 20 might be your Chapter 1. Everyone's journey is different.

  • Celebrate non-scale victories: Increased energy, better sleep, or reaching for the stairs instead of the elevator are the best wins!

  • Remember, filters and angles are magical: What you see online isn't always the full picture.

Your only competition is the person you were yesterday.

Change Your Mindset

Just because you got off track doesn't mean all is lost. It's OK to get off track sometimes our even just treat yourself! Here's how to develop healthy habits that will create balance:

  • Embrace the 80/20 rule: Aim for 80 percent healthy choices, 20 percent flexibility. Balance is key!

  • Reframe "failures" as learning opportunities: So you skipped a workout – tomorrow is another day! Don't beat yourself up.

  • Practice self-compassion: Talk to yourself like you would a friend. You wouldn't berate them for one slip-up, would you?

  • Get back on track immediately: Don't wait for Monday or the 1st of the month. The next meal or the next workout is your fresh start.

Remember, progress isn't linear. It's okay to zigzag your way to your goals!

Find Your Fitness Groove

Feeling lost in the gym or overwhelmed by conflicting advice? You're not alone! Here's how to navigate the fitness learning curve:

  • Start with the basics: Master bodyweight exercises before hitting the weights.

  • Hire a personal trainer: They can teach you proper form and create a beginner-friendly plan.

  • Use reputable online resources: There are tons of free workout videos and guides from certified professionals.

  • Don't be afraid to ask: Most gym-goers are happy to help or show you how to use equipment.

Remember, everyone starts somewhere. Remember, the path to fitness isn't about perfection – it's about persistence. Keep going and never stop learning!

What struggles have you faced, and how did you overcome them? Drop a comment below and let's keep this conversation going!

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